The Girl without a mAp saw Barbados' singing sensation, Rihanna perform recently in London's famous O2 Arena. I wasn't a fan before, i am not a fan now.
The ticket stated 'Gates open at 6.00pm ' I had the Standing tickets. I preferred to grooving to some good music on my feet rather than being bound to a tiny chair. So gates open at 6.. to get there lets give it an hour.. eat some food err...wait in the long queues err... roughly around 3.00pm i left my home to listen to 3- 4 songs performed live. THats all i knew of her... 3- 4 songs.. !

We (a friend and I ) get there at 5.. wait in the queue until the gates finally open at 7.30 pm. Hmm.. not so bad.. so far so good. As we entered, got our drinks and waited.. I bought a bottle of water for later thinking that who is going to come out of the crowd and lose my near the stage space, the lady behind the counter unscrewed the bottle cap and chucked in the bin before handing over my purchase. I was puzzled at that.. how can i save this water from spilling with swaying crowds for later.. She interrupted those strings of thoughts by saying , we do that to prevent crowds from throwing caps on the stage. Looks like O2 has seen some rough days to think it all through. What they have not thought about is, what if a dufus chucks the bottle on the stage.. who needs a cap ? i take a sip and chuck it in the bin. We stand close to the stage.. I tell myself.. we are close to the stage.. all has gone as to plan.. rihanna will sing.. we'll enjoy.. we'll be home soon.. WRONG...
MAdame RI did come but at 9.45pm... ! .. how i wished i hadnt thrown the bottle away..
A few hallucinations later, there she is.. !
A song later... she is still there on the stage.., but with lesser clothes..
plus the raunchy steps are only raising the viewers ratings... from PG to 12A... hmmm
a few more songs... she appears in a suit... ahh... singing "UMBRELLA.. ela ela ela"
I can excuse the pole-dancin.. Music Videos of today have made it very easy these days to watch lewd scenes on telly without having to raise an eyebrow. but then... some lights flashin later.. the girls at the back tear her clothes off.. and then this happens
now the viewer ratings have climbed up to 15 , definitely 15 ..and soon jumping to 18 Adult content. She pulls up a guy from the crowd, pushes him to the floor.. does some steps that more or less looks like dry humping.. i said it.. Not just that, takes his hands and lets them on her body... OKAY>>> its getting steamy.. and BHAM the stages goes down.. That boy , whoever he is, must have had a ..... cant blog it (Note to self : zip the lip , MISSY)
ahem ahem.. getting back.. to Ri Ri, this went on for hour.. come on, im not going to keep an account of every lewd move she made (but i totally did) ... She finally sang one of the songs i knew.. 'Unfaithful' She walked on to the stage in a beautiful yellow dress that covered all her privates well..thank the lord.. She looked stunning, the lights dimmed, and the song.. which btw way i was forced to like by my sister who just wouldn't stop playing that tune on her piano.
One can actually marvel at her voice and beauty when clothed... this is good..
but then.. moments later the fans switch on... (there always have to be a BUTT.. doesn't it ? ) and
this happens... arrey jaise chaddi dikhaane ki aadat si ho rakhi hai .. Apologies to my global readers... if its in Hindi, its not important. just some phrases , i cannot keep myself from writing.. You ain't missing on anything.. you are very much on track and my favorites :-*
By the end of show, I'm picturing my feet must be bleeding by now. They are NUMB..
i walk to the tube station at snail pace wondering if there any truth of the 'Illuminati' influence on the music industry (because i had to erase bikini images of rihanna of my mind... i had enough) and the triangular signs they kept on indicating throughout, with 18000 others wanting to get into the same tube. and get home..
Days later, i get an email from my ninimou friend with this link..
and i jump out of my seat.. in agreement.. (clap clap clap)