Friday, 30 September 2011

I feel part of the universe.. open up to meet me

alright, i cannot resist doing this... as its so close to my heart and very well explains the whirlwind of emotions in me and the emotional rut i am in at the moment.. ! i seek refuge...

"I want to have a lasting experience of God.  Sometimes I feel like I understand the divinity of this world, but then i lose it because i get distracted by my petty desires and fears. I want to be with God all the time. But i don't want to be a monk,or totally give up worldly pleasures. I guess what I want to learn is how to live in this world and enjoy its delights, but also devote myself to God "

He answered "To find balance, this is what you must become... you must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have four legs, stop looking at the world through your head. You must look through your heart instead. That way, you'll know God"

Thoughts of E.Gilbert, blatantly copied by me..  

1 comment:

  1. the mind is designed in such a way that it looks outwardly, it is possible to lead a materialistic life and still remain spiritual at heart once we start looking inside and meditate. you need not be a monk and chant mantras or recite verses 24x7 to attain the almighty himself. practicing karma yoga (remembering god through action) is an efficient way to keep oneself in check and stay close to god. when you dedicate your actions, be it good or bad and surrender, your aura, your thinking, your destiny, your surroundings, will change according to your faith and belief. to believe is easy, to have faith is difficult because we all get tested.
