Mess. With great difficulty. Don't know what has got into me.. as this year ends i am taking a step each day to discontentment, acute dissatisfaction and hints of failure. I am standing in front of deadly crossroads. Don't know where to go from here ? Life seems fragmented.. the optimist in me reassures me that these distorted fragments will all result into a beautiful picture. But, my patience is running out. What I thought will always make me happy, I discover it doesn't anymore. When I clear out the thought in my head, I fail to clear out one sound 'tick-tock.. tick-tock' And i honestly don't know what will let me be at peace. As this year comes to an end, i am hoping on to a Mayan theory of life ending in 2012!
They say, life makes sense when looked at it backwards.. too bad we got to live it looking forward..
happiness like sadness, will not last long.