Monday 18.55pm Location : After hours at the Office
A month is full of happy days, productive days, exciting days, busy days, dull days and mondays ! Have you ever wondered why a Monday is frowned upon in such universal fashion all across the globe ? I do have a few days during the week when work is down & moods swings are high, but if these coincide with a monday then its almost like its justified.
[seems like even my blogs suffers from monday blues today... its just not workin, man]
Last weekend, I had plenty of time off. I would just take off somewhere. Born and brought up in Mumbai, I have shamelessly left so many places unexplored. My laziness takes the better of me. This doesnt happen that often though. Like i was saying, I was free this weekend, didnt go anywhere... I sat home like a chump.
I want to visit Kanheri Caves. Have you been there before? I want to take a two day trip somewhere like Jog falls or tadkarle. I want to purchase a camera lens. Probably get a cheaper deal from VT. I want to visit Dharavi slums and dhobi ghat.. only coz so many of my clients talk about it. I want to purchase a shredder, as my cabin resembles a scrap dealers shop with piles of important documents to discard. And i cannot get myself to bin them. I have to shred them.. I want to take my 2 year old nephew for a swim or play with him on the beach, it worries me that he is growing up too fast and i am missing out on his beautiful kiddie days.. Got limited time before Play station bug bites him.
I think blogging abt this is totally working. I feel guilty about not doing anything last weekend.
I should be heading out now.. Got work to do.. Adios Amigos
You are goin to die before u take Daaniyaal for a swim