Monday, 28 May 2012

Monday Blues, made laziness brew..

Monday 18.55pm Location : After hours at the Office
A month is full of happy days, productive days, exciting days, busy days, dull days and mondays !  Have you ever wondered why a Monday is frowned upon in such universal fashion all across the globe ? I do have a few days during the week when work is down & moods swings are high, but if these coincide with a monday then its almost like its justified.  
[seems like even my blogs suffers from monday blues today... its just not workin, man]

Last weekend, I had plenty of time off. I would just take off somewhere. Born and brought up in Mumbai, I have shamelessly left so many places unexplored. My laziness takes the better of me. This doesnt happen that often though. Like i was saying,  I was free this weekend, didnt go anywhere... I sat home like a chump. 

I want to visit Kanheri Caves. Have you been there before?  I want to take a two day trip somewhere like Jog falls or tadkarle. I want to purchase a camera lens. Probably get a cheaper deal from VT. I want to visit Dharavi slums and dhobi ghat.. only coz so many of my clients talk about it. I want to purchase a shredder, as my cabin resembles a scrap dealers shop with piles of important documents to discard. And i cannot get myself to bin them. I have to shred them.. I want to take my 2 year old nephew for a swim or play with him on the beach, it worries me that he is growing up too fast and i am missing out on his beautiful kiddie days.. Got limited time before Play station bug bites him. 

I think blogging abt this is totally working. I feel guilty about not doing anything last weekend. 

I should be heading out now.. Got work to do.. Adios Amigos

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Nocturnal Insects Repellants

How can a pub / a restaurant or a food joint on the street cause nuisance or even be the sole reason for illegal practices ? What sort of illegal activities that can go on in parked cars  or amongst diners surrounded by lil south indian waiters trying to sell you more food at these places that shall be prevented by putting a ban to late night hotspots ? 

Clearly when GOD was distributing brains, these law makers and so - called "activists" were standing in the TATKAL line for excess hypocrisy ! 

I repeat this thought in many of my posts, "you know whats the more annoying than annoying ? " READING the newspaper. Let me tell you why. The PRESS has got nothing to do with it. Its the news featured on it, and the mahaan "PUBLIC " make news. People who make headlines are low life losers. words fail me to describe the extent of stupidity , I encounter while my way to work.. 

All of last week, I read that one of the nightspots is under scrutiny. Now by nightspots, i do not mean shady dance bars, brothels or rave parties venues. NO.. By nightspots , i mean, places to hangout for the SANE. Young professionals who prefer to go for a drive around the city, not necessarily sloshed as generally perceived, grab some quick bites and drive back home.. 
For instance, AMAR JUICE CENTER.  Once started as a tiny little food joint,  has now become one of the most sought after food joints in Juhu. It has been popular for years and never once have we heard any sort of issues.. God knows how much have the fed the uniformed creatures to run successfully for years ! A place where you get served the most yummy street food right in your cars, how can it be regarded as a places of illegal activities ? All it does is sells food..

Mumbai is bursting at the seams not since a month or so. There are 18 cars and 45 two wheelers fighting for one parking space at any given point ! SO why crib saying Amar juice center is the sole reason for traffic problems in the entire Juhu Vile Parle area...  Places like Ghetto/ Hawain Shack and other pubs in Bandra too are facing the music. WHY ? because agitated residents are fed up chaos caused by these places.. But Bandra is famous for these places, and quiet honestly they have been there for years.. There reason why these residents must have shifted to these "cool" places is to live with the hype and status. Now , that very thing is a big problem.. My question to these angry residents "weren't you all ever young ? "  Bloddy hell, you must have done the same in your youth , then why is it a big problem now ?...   And now in the midst of nowhere there is 'right to sleep' issue needs national importance ?  Club deadlines have been squeezed, pubs are on the verge of being banned, dance bars- thanks to A douche got banned and risen the frustration levels amongst the masses, everything that relaxes a human mind has been BANDH, BANDH, BANDH !!! Feels like social life is a CRIME..
 These "Angry residents" must be parents of junkies who sit behind the dheeraj / bandra and smoke up joints after joints of pure afghani weed !  What should be banned, is not banned... There are restrictions to places and things that make no sense. Amar juice center does not sell your kids weed, the pan shop beside it does.. So wake up and smell the coffee people..  SANE individuals wish to socialize, eat , drink as responsible citizens and putting a stop to pubs is just ridiculous..  I am furious..  Someone, get me a gun.. 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Xronia Polla Eliza

Since past three years, May 16th is an important day. Ask my why ? [ since i hear a faint 'why' ] I shall tell you why.. Because its my dearest dearest's  Happy Birthday today. I met her in 2009, on the first day i started my university in UK. We met in the hallway. Two girls from two different worlds went for a walk in a quiet dark city and eventually found out how similar they are !!

Eliza & Me

You are amazing !!!! and  I love you..

Happy Birthday..

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


All I  did is typed " fight for your land" on google, expecting lots of freedom struggle stuff to pop up. I was wrong.. freedom struggle days are all over, those stories gather dust in  our history textbooks. You would be surprised to find stories of encroachment , acquiring others land through fraudulent activities, murder & extortion cases. The strange thing is in that one glimpse I read names of countries like Indonesia, Africa, Russia, Peru & India. This land grabbing  is rampant in all societies across the globe.

'MONEY' the once thing that drives us to work hard can equally destroy us too. I have never been a part of any story involving all of the things I said above, until last week. Now I am involved actively in taking part in hour long discussions with lawyers, landlords, police etc  learning about how to teach a few a**holes a lesson for forging our signatures, manipulating our land records, producing a NOC - No Objection certificate and thereafter signing a sales deed for a huge sum of money under our name !

Guys this is Khosla ka Ghosla in real life.  What has the world come to ? Cheating, murder, fraud, robbery. Reading the  newspaper seems like reading a glossary of all sorts of crimes in the world. Very rarely you find people who wish well for you. The increase in crimes make me sick.  Each day , on my way to work, i bury myself in the newspapers, only to chuck it away moments later. So damn depressing. Fathers killing daughters, brothers fighting for inheritance, rape, murder, aggression..  The Almighty has given up on us ! 

Watching Zeitgeist on federal reserve & 9/11 was a sheer example of how a few powerful bastards rule the world ! Rupert Murdoch's media, George Bush's government , freaks like Kony & bunch loads of blinded religious extremists are more than sufficient to  put a gruesome end to this world.  

I find myself fighting against people trying to cheat me, dupe me , harm me & my family. My war is on a lower scale. we all fight wars for safety, for solace, for freedom. We are little figures of a bigger picture. 

I'd rather walk on the streets with my boxing gloves on.. coz believe it or not the WAR IS ON..