Sunday, 4 November 2012

Reasons not to be a Travel Agent

Taken in best with a tub of popcorn..  !

  1. While clients travel and unravel the mysteries of the universe, the travel agent (T.A) is forced to pop blood pressure pills to calm his nerves..
  2. When a client holidays, T.A straight away loses the right to holiday.
  3. The phone rings at 7.00 am on a sunday , "my flush won't work.. you are the agent.. do something "
  4. A client takes a tour from you is equivalent to you are his slave until he gets back home.
  5. When Gandhi said when someone slaps you once, offer them the other cheek with a humble smile.. he was talking about travel agents.
  6. T.A's are those fools who take up the challenge of promising great service from rowdy drivers/suppliers and more often than not end up being slapped.
  7. Natural Calamities are all the travel agents's fault.  I don't know who spread rumors that the travel agents have the control to the richter scale.
  8. Client's enjoyment is Travel agents's suffering
  9. The phone rings again at 7.13 am."what are you going to do about the malfunctioning flush?"
  10. T.A's have to be weather experts, shopping experts, food & wine connoisseurs
  11. Master the art of fake smiles.
  12. 8 out of 10 clients are ********. And you have to make them feel like Sheikhs of Arabia.
  13. The service expected is 1000 times more than the money paid. 
  14. T.As have to arrange Prosecco in Rishikesh. *FML*
  15. When Obama said, "YES WE CAN".. he was reiterating the motto of T.As

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