Sunday, 15 January 2012

from fab to flab

When I look in the mirror, I see a person who was once very happy with her weight, until the unwanted kilos got added on. When in London, i  want to lose weight, but the boredom of cooking solo gets to me. Plus when in a foreign country, food cooked by others is most welcomed, whether its a Chinese take away or a kebabish. People eat to live but i live to eat. Once a friend pointed out, 'what is with you people, u eat breakfast and can't stop thinking what u'll day for lunch.. and once lunch is over , u think about dinner'. Now, I'm home, its tougher to lose weight. Mom is feeding me with tasty treats morning noon and night. And my expandable tummy just can't get enough of it. I hate this double chin (bastard) that peeps out in photographs. This time the damage is lot more. seems like the flabs are here to stay. All i do is talk talk talk... very little action. I'll do lunges, crunches. MAybe i should join the gym, I love swimming.. helps to tone, next time I'll climb 7 floors, NO using lifts, no butter on my toast plz, ginger lemon tea in the morning to boost metabolism, only fruit and veg for a week, no bananas, maybe I'll eat half my stomach's capacity..  This are some of the thoughts that come in my mind each minute !  2012.. please be my year to lose all my excess kilos. I'm down on my knees. In a few months i will resemble Guddi MAruti. And i will have to find my Yokuzona.  and we will live in a extra large world.. 


  1. im dying gain weight here and the other wants to lose... life...

  2. sai can have some of mine too!

    Be inspired by the crazy hot guy in cov. Punch and kick the air like you have had 50 red bulls. Remember the pointless hours spent in the gym. Also, sadly 3500 calories is a pound (hmm...or half a kg?) but anything is possible.

    I too am worried that my clothes are shrinking. I can spare 3 stone by spring.
    Lets go to the gym together again...

  3. Is there a problem with my eyes?
    coz the world seems to be gettin thinner day by day...
    and surely i havent gotten fat. oh No !!!! oh No... could it be so? could i have... #UnspeakableTruth
