Next time an Indian person rants about being ill treated in a foreign country will hear a ear full from me. We are living testimony to living in glass houses and throwing stones at others. But the instant a stone is hurled at them they come out blazing standing up for their beliefs. Who wants to hear the truth ? The truth has been strangled and buried under heaps of hypocrisy. In India, we are stereotyped according to the caste and religion we follow. And i cannot keep it in me anymore but downright disapprove of this ridiculous way of living. In this city , one can get away by smooth talking with the cops in this regions native language. It ease out the tension instantly. We dont see the credibility of the person , we don't see the authenticity of the work to be done, all one wants to do is prove it to the other that they are one of their own and get the job done. You may spend your lifetime walking straight but soon you would realize that it doesn't bloody matter what you are doing. The definition of right and wrong keeps changing as per situation from people to people. We might not fight for the color of our skin, but we do based upon the God you believe in. And when pointed out this fact , i have been said that i am being ' unfair ' (YEAH RIGHT !!)
Right from school we are taught, God is one. People have different religion , different ways to worship but all religions preach goodness. None of them endorse cheating , fraud or killing of the other. In India , we are made to understand (at a very early age) that multiple religions co-exist. SO while we are given no restrictions to make friends with other communities , sit , eat , chill with "the others" we live in perfect harmony.
And now, i notice a bias in our day to day lives. Names are not just identity of the person , but it defies their nature / profession / family lineage / and even future instantly. Its a shame. I was brought up in liberal environment. I was taught the right from wrong and then told that the final decision was left to me.
Up until i took that final decision. Thats when everything changed. One cant live in isolation, i agree, but i also agree that isolation is preferred than hypocrisy..